Photographic Society
The ACS (Independent) Photographic Society, also known affectionately as Photog, is a place where photography enthusiasts explore and further their interests. Photog provides training from our own talented members and external professional photographers in addition to its primary aim of documenting school events.
What do we do during CCA meetings?
Our meetings are divided into training sessions (within campus or out of campus) and/or bonding sessions.
During training, we have either internal or external trainers who will enhance our skill sets and knowledge on various genres, processing the photos, tips to improve and more!
Our bonding sessions on the other hand, provides a time for relaxation to know our fellow members to build camaraderie ship through games.
Occasionally we also invite guest speakers to motivate us and equip us with the required knowledge to reach greater heights! For example, we had invited Mr Russel Wong and we are awed by his humbleness and perseverance.
Listening to experts in this field may be very useful but the lessons learnt only come to fruition when we put our skills to the test. Holding the camera and exploring the world of photography hands-on is an authentic experience for any budding photographer! 📸 As part of our training program, we had interesting night photography sessions at Merlion Park and Chinatown, Architecture photography at Esplanade Theatre by the Bay, the CBD and Chinatown and also street photography among other exciting genres
We have a wide range of DSLR, mirrorless camera bodies, lens, tripods and other items that members can borrow when they are shooting for school’s events. Many members have also gone on to purchase cameras of their own as they develop further in this hobby.
“Photography is the story I fail to put into words” – Destin Sparks. If you want to capture those lasting memories and write your own story, join us today!
Let the photoshoot begin!
You can also find us at